Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Lust For Eardrum Vibration

In The Ways of Frequencies....

Music is not to be listened to just for the sake of furnishing an already diminishing environment. Music should not only be digested with every goosebump that appears on one's body, but to have the ability to engulf the listener into a trance, shifting one's mood, movement, and rhythm to align with the frequencies of the attended aura. That can only occur if one is willing. 


Update on the Hippo

 Benji says hi guys. 

So lately, Benji and I have been feeling real good. We have been chilling on our own and it's more peaceful than anything. I can say with confidence right now that if I was a guinea pig, I would be Benji because we both like time for ourselves and like our space. We both also eat a shit tone so we are definitely meant to be. Here's what we do:

Every morning, I have been waking up to an uproaring screech of " owner, you are up now so feed me!" I honestly find it adorable only because the first two weeks of me trying to feed him, it's like I'm a giant trying to devour him. He is kinda good looking so don't tempt me. For class, We had to take pictures of objects in your every day lives..... I take a picture of Benji every day...... So this was a breeze. 

The only problem was getting the right angles and the right pictures. I never really tried to be a photographer for any reason... well, none that I can remember. I had this dope camera that Lawrence University borrowed me and I went ham! I was like Benji's paparazzi, but I think I scared him a little. I was like everything he did was picture-worthy so I surpassed the max requirement of pictures to take. It was 100 pics and I took 457.... oops. 

long story short, I got the perfect picture and it is now up in the Wriston Art Center. Check it out!

Doing My Own Thing

 I'm sitting on this chair, just thinking of how fucking blessed I am. this is not for any class thing I'm just on a rant. Honestly ...