Benji says hi guys.
So lately, Benji and I have been feeling real good. We have been chilling on our own and it's more peaceful than anything. I can say with confidence right now that if I was a guinea pig, I would be Benji because we both like time for ourselves and like our space. We both also eat a shit tone so we are definitely meant to be. Here's what we do:
Every morning, I have been waking up to an uproaring screech of " owner, you are up now so feed me!" I honestly find it adorable only because the first two weeks of me trying to feed him, it's like I'm a giant trying to devour him. He is kinda good looking so don't tempt me. For class, We had to take pictures of objects in your every day lives..... I take a picture of Benji every day...... So this was a breeze.
The only problem was getting the right angles and the right pictures. I never really tried to be a photographer for any reason... well, none that I can remember. I had this dope camera that Lawrence University borrowed me and I went ham! I was like Benji's paparazzi, but I think I scared him a little. I was like everything he did was picture-worthy so I surpassed the max requirement of pictures to take. It was 100 pics and I took 457.... oops.
long story short, I got the perfect picture and it is now up in the Wriston Art Center. Check it out!